• Pragerisms

    For a more comprehensive list of Pragerisms visit
    Dennis Prager Wisdom.

    • "The left is far more interested in gaining power than in creating wealth."
    • "Without wisdom, goodness is worthless."
    • "I prefer clarity to agreement."
    • "First tell the truth, then state your opinion."
    • "Being on the Left means never having to say you're sorry."
    • "If you don't fight evil, you fight gobal warming."
    • "There are things that are so dumb, you have to learn them."
  • Liberalism’s Seven Deadly Sins

    • Sexism
    • Intolerance
    • Xenophobia
    • Racism
    • Islamophobia
    • Bigotry
    • Homophobia

    A liberal need only accuse you of one of the above in order to end all discussion and excuse himself from further elucidation of his position.

  • Glenn’s Reading List for Die-Hard Pragerites

    • Bolton, John - Surrender is not an Option
    • Bruce, Tammy - The Thought Police; The New American Revolution; The Death of Right and Wrong
    • Charen, Mona - DoGooders:How Liberals Hurt Those They Claim to Help
    • Coulter, Ann - If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans; Slander
    • Dalrymple, Theodore - In Praise of Prejudice; Our Culture, What's Left of It
    • Doyle, William - Inside the Oval Office
    • Elder, Larry - Stupid Black Men: How to Play the Race Card--and Lose
    • Frankl, Victor - Man's Search for Meaning
    • Flynn, Daniel - Intellectual Morons
    • Fund, John - Stealing Elections
    • Friedman, George - America's Secret War
    • Goldberg, Bernard - Bias; Arrogance
    • Goldberg, Jonah - Liberal Fascism
    • Herson, James - Tales from the Left Coast
    • Horowitz, David - Left Illusions; The Professors
    • Klein, Edward - The Truth about Hillary
    • Mnookin, Seth - Hard News: Twenty-one Brutal Months at The New York Times and How They Changed the American Media
    • Morris, Dick - Because He Could; Rewriting History
    • O'Beirne, Kate - Women Who Make the World Worse
    • Olson, Barbara - The Final Days: The Last, Desperate Abuses of Power by the Clinton White House
    • O'Neill, John - Unfit For Command
    • Piereson, James - Camelot and the Cultural Revolution: How the Assassination of John F. Kennedy Shattered American Liberalism
    • Prager, Dennis - Think A Second Time
    • Sharansky, Natan - The Case for Democracy
    • Stein, Ben - Can America Survive? The Rage of the Left, the Truth, and What to Do About It
    • Steyn, Mark - America Alone
    • Stephanopolous, George - All Too Human
    • Thomas, Clarence - My Grandfather's Son
    • Timmerman, Kenneth - Shadow Warriors
    • Williams, Juan - Enough: The Phony Leaders, Dead-End Movements, and Culture of Failure That Are Undermining Black America--and What We Can Do About It
    • Wright, Lawrence - The Looming Tower

Arizona Countersues Obama for Dereliction of Duty regarding Border.




PHOENIX (AP) – Gov. Jan Brewer sued the federal government Thursday for failing to control Arizona’s border with Mexico and enforce immigration laws, and for sticking the state with huge costs associated with jailing illegal immigrants who commit crimes.

The lawsuit claims the federal government has failed to protect Arizona from an “invasion” of illegal immigrants. It seeks increased reimbursements and extra safeguards, such as additional border fences.

Brewer’s court filing serves as a countersuit in the federal government’s legal challenge to Arizona’s new enforcement immigration law. The U.S. Justice Department is seeking to invalidate the law.

“Because the federal government has failed to protect the citizens of Arizona, I am left with no other choice,” Brewer said as sign-carrying protesters yelled chants at her and at other champions of the immigration law.

Justice Department spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler declined to comment on the filing. But a spokesman for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, which is in charge of policing the country’s borders, called Brewer’s lawsuit a meritless action and said Border Patrol staffing is higher than ever.

“Not only do actions like this ignore all of the statistical evidence, they also belittle the significant progress that our men and women in uniform have made to protect this border and the people who live alongside it,” spokesman Matthew Chandler said. “We welcome any state and local government or law enforcement agency to join with us to address the remaining challenges.”

Brewer’s lawsuit seeks a court order that would require the federal government to take extra steps to protect Arizona – such as more border fences – until the border is controlled. Brewer also asks for additional border agents and technology along the state’s border with Mexico.

The governor isn’t seeking a lump-sum award, but rather asks for policy changes in the way the federal government reimburses states for the costs of jailing illegal immigrants who are convicted of state crimes. Such changes would give the state more reimbursement.

Arizona’s enforcement law was passed amid years of complaints that the federal government hasn’t done enough to lessen the state’s role as the nation’s busiest illegal entry point. Its passage ignited protests over whether the law would lead to racial profiling, and prompted lawsuits by the Justice Department, civil rights groups and other opponents seeking to have it thrown out.

The law would have required police, while enforcing other laws, to question a person’s immigration status if officers had reasonable suspicion the person was in the country illegally. That requirement was put on hold by U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton, along with a mandate that immigrants obtain or carry immigration registration papers.

The judge, however, let other parts of the law take effect, such as a provision that bans people from blocking traffic while seeking or offering day-labor services on streets.

Brewer challenged Bolton’s decision in an appeals court in San Francisco. She argued the judge erred by accepting speculation by the federal government that the law might burden legal immigrants, and by concluding the federal government likely would prevail. Brewer’s appeal is still pending.

Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne, one of the lawyers defending the law on behalf of the state, said Arizona bears staggering costs from illegal immigration, yet the federal government maintains the state is prevented from assisting in the enforcement of federal immigration law.

Horne said Washington has failed to protect the state against an invasion by illegal immigrants.

“The word ‘invasion’ does not necessarily mean invasion of one country by another country,” Horne said. “It can mean large numbers of illegal immigrants from various countries.”

The governor’s filing hammers on the issue of the state’s unreimbursed costs for jailed illegal immigrants. Brewer’s predecessor, Janet Napolitano, who is now the Homeland Security secretary, regularly sent the Justice Department invoices seeking such reimbursement when she was governor.

The lawsuit doesn’t say exactly how much reimbursement money the state is seeking. Instead, it asks the court to interpret the criteria on which the reimbursements are based, which the state believes will ensure it gets more funding.

Brewer’s filing noted Arizona’s latest annual reimbursement from the federal government totaled nearly $10 million and the state had to eat an additional $125 million.

Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Phoenix, an opponent of the law, said Brewer’s filing was intended to draw attention from the state’s budget woes. Sinema noted the federal government has hired 8,000 new Border Patrol agents and added hundreds of miles of fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border in recent years.”

The above information was obtained at My Way and titled:  Arizona Governor Countersues Federal Government


Pawlenty Likely to Run…..He’s Bright and a Very Good Human Being

Pawlenty Compares Obama to Carter

Tim Pawlenty, the former governor of Minnesota, accused President Obama of acting like former president Jimmy Carter and of spouting “nonsense” when it comes to the nation’s problems.

In remarks to the activists at the Conservative Political Action Conference, Mr. Pawlenty said that America under Mr. Obama is in danger of lagging behind China and other countries.

“We simply need to remind each other what made this country great and restore America’s greatness by restoring American common sense,” Mr. Pawlenty said. “We need more common sense and less Obama nonsense.”

Mr. Pawlenty is expected to announce soon that he is running for president this year. In his speech, he took direct aim at Mr. Obama’s policies — and even made a joke about the conspiracy theorists who believe Mr. Obama was not born in America.

“Now, I’m not one who questions the existence of the president’s birth certificate,” Mr. Pawlenty said. “But when you listen to his policies, don’t you at least wonder what planet he’s from? On what planet do they create jobs by taxing the daylight out of people trying to grow jobs? On what planet do they try to reduce the deficit by spending even more? On what planet do they make health care better by putting bureaucrats in charge?”

Brad Woodhouse, a spokesman for the Democratic National Committee, issued a statement saying Mr. Pawlenty’s speech “came straight out of Bizzaro World: touting his fiscal record in Minnesota, while omitting the fact that he left the state with a $6.2 billion deficit and hundreds of millions in new taxes.”

Mr. Pawlenty mocked Mr. Obama and Democrats in Washington, saying they don’t understand that the government cannot spend more than it takes in.

“The federal government spends our money the way Keith Olbermann talks: too much without a point and it leaves the whole country confused,” he said.

Mr. Pawlenty offered the crowd plenty of red meat aimed at whipping up the conservative crowd.

“We should NOT raise the debt ceiling!,” he said. “We should pass a constitutional amendment to balance the budget! And here’s one I know you’ll agree with: We must repeal Obamacare! And while we’re at it, one more thing: Let’s throw the ridiculous federal tax code overboard!”

But he got his biggest applause by demanding that Mr. Obama get tougher with America’s adversaries abroad.

“Mr. President, with bullies, might makes right,” he said, prompting sustained clapping from the audience. “Strength makes them submit. Get tough on our enemies — not on our friends. And, Mr. President, stop apologizing for our country.”

(The above article is from the New York Times.)

Comment:  Brad Woodhouse and the New York Times do truth a great disservice.   Governor Pawlenty in his eight years as Governor has to face a Democrat Legislature in each and every year.   In Minnesota Democrats since Hubert Horatio Humphrey spend money on the Obama level relative to Minnesota’s wealth.

If it weren’t for Governor Pawlenty and the Minnesota State Constitution, Minnesota today would be in the New Jersey, New York, and California league of blue states at the door of bankruptcy.

Mr. Pawlenty did sucker into this Climate gate thing….which included the ethanol epidemic.   I do think he has recognized his error.  

He is not an anti-Obama, but he is brighter, warmer, and a truer American than the 44th president….all by some measure.   He also has a very good sense of humor…..which Mr. Obama totally lacks.

Lincoln: “There is no permanent class of hired laborers amongst us.”

“There is no permanent class of hired laborers amongst us. Twenty five years ago I was a hired laborer. The hired laborer

of yesterday labors on his own account today; and will have others to labor for him tomorrow. Advancement…

improvement in condition….is the order of things in a society of equals.”

Abraham Lincoln…16th President of the United States
March 4, 1861-April 15, 1865

Happy Birthday, Mr. Lincoln.

Happy Birthday, Mr. Lincoln

The following Lincolns quotes were sent to me by Tea Party Activist, Lisa Rich, to honor the President’s birthday:
Abraham Lincoln on the people:
I am a firm believer in the people.  If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis.  The great point is to bring them the real facts.
The people themselves, and not their servants, can safely reverse their own deliberate decisions.
The people will save their government, if the government itself will allow them.
You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.
If you once forfeit the confidence of your fellow citizens, you can never regain their respect and esteem.

This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it.  Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or exercise their revolutionary right to overthrow it.

Abraham Lincoln on the Constitution:
Don’t interfere with anything in the Constitution.  That must be maintained, for it is the safeguard of our liberties.
Important principles may, and must, be inflexible.

We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.

Abraham Lincoln on liberty and freedom:
No man is good enough to govern another man without that man’s consent.
Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away a man’s initiative and independence.
Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.
America will never be destroyed from the outside.  If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.


Abraham Lincoln on the nature of wealth:
That some should be rich shows that others may become rich and hence, is just encouragement to industry and enterprise.
That some achieve great success, is proof to all that others can achieve it as well.
Let not him who is homeless pull down the house of another, but let him work diligently and build one for himself, thus by example assuring that his own shall be safe from violence when built.
The way for a young man to rise is to improve himself in every way he can, never suspecting that anybody wishes to hinder him.
Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.
Some thoughts from Abraham Lincoln that the current president should consider:
You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.
Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God’s side, for God is always right.
Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.
Don’t worry when you are not recognized, but strive to be worth of recognition.
My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure.
What kills a skunk is the publicity he gives himself.


Some thoughts from Abraham Lincoln for those of us in the Tea Party movement:
To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.
The probability that we may fail in the struggle should ought not deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just.
Our defense is in the preservation of the spirit which prizes liberty as a heritage of all men, in all lands, everywhere.  Destroy this spirit and you have planted the seeds of despotism around your own doors.
Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?

My dream is of a place and time where America will once again be seen as the last best hope of earth.


Paul Ehrlich’s One Idea Peddled Yet Again

Steven Hayward, a new standby at PowerLine, had the title, Environmentalists’ Vivaldi attached to the title.   I  thought the comparison  a terrific insult to Vivaldi, whose music I describe thusly…..He never wrote a disagreeable note…..almost all the same, but lovely anyway.

Paul Ehrlich is a Peddler of books.

Mr. Hayward writes:

“I think it was Shostakovich who quipped that Vivaldi only had one idea, which he repeated 383 times. At least Vivaldi’s one idea was a good one. The same can’t be said for Paul Ehrlich, who has a new book out, Humanity on a Tightrope, that is just like all of his other books going all the way back to the book that first made him rich and famous, The Population Bomb. Ever since that infamous book he has come out with a sequel every year or two that repeats his basic Malthusian outlook on humans and the planet. I suppose at least Ehrlich deserves credit for recycling.

Since Ehrlich’s arguments are not new, it is tedious to rehearse the set-piece arguments yet again. I’ve debated Ehrlich twice, and found him to be personally cordial and eager to pursue genuine argument; I once had a fairly serious argument with him about how Hayek’s concept of the “knowledge problem” made his schemes of human improvement both impossible and tyrannical, and he grappled with the argument rather than changing the subject. This sets him apart from spokespeople for environmental groups who recite PR talking points that are so superficial that I conclude they either must know what they say is untrue, or that they are genuinely stupid people. Ehrlich is a slightly better class of misanthrope.

There is one new argument he’s been making in his last few books that deserves a smacking, though. In today’s Los Angeles Times he gives an interview to Pat Morrison, where he says the following:

The idea that corporations should have free speech, I think, is insane. The free speech of the corporations is the petroleum industry and their buddies setting up entire institutions to lie to the public about fossil fuels and so on. I’m pretty depressed about that. If you think that corporations should be treated as individuals, then there’s a whole slug of corporations that ought to be in Guantanamo right now being waterboarded.

Nice. Never mind the flamboyance of his waterboarding quip. The idea that corporations shouldn’t have First Amendment protections because corporations are not “people” is a popular idea on the left these days. I suppose someone can try to argue that the protection of free speech was meant to apply to individuals rather than organizations, but even in Ehrlich’s case the idea dissolves rather quickly when one observes that all of Ehrlich’s book were published by. . . corporations. His latest is from Rowman & Littlefield, Inc. Earlier Ehrlich books were from Simon & Schuster, a really really large multinational corporation. The New York Times is a corporation; would Ehrlich restrict their editorial pages? Would he extend his ban on corporate speech to the Sierra Club, Inc? (In fact, the Sierra Club got fined by the Federal Election Commission a few years ago for running afoul of its regulations against corporate political speech–the regulations that were later voided by Citizens United.)

This is the quality of thought that comes from people who want to extend political control without limit over people and resources.”

Further comment:   Read again Ehrlich’s  comment about corporations and free speech.   He is called a Liberal, mind you.

New York City Folks at CPAC to Protest the Building of a Mosque at Ground Zero

Comment:  The construction of a mosque at the site of American suffering at Ground Zero on September 11, 2001 is an INSULT to every American now and in the future.   It must be destroyed before it  is begun.

The grand insult of it all to pretend that the building of any kind of a mosque at that now holy site,  isn’t anything more than  a Jihadi effort to establish a victory symbol  to comemorate the Islamist murderers who destroyed the World Trade Center and neighboring sturctures.  

How can Barack Hussein Obama and Michael Bloomberg support the plot to build such an atrocity?  Why are these the defended of America’s attackers?

A group of New York City folk visited CPAC to add their voices to those who oppose  the construction of such an obscene structure what will always be a cancer on the New York City horizon to spread its disease of  jihad.   They are interviewed by Ed Morrissey.   Click on below for a video of the interview.

“Thanks to Pamela Geller for arranging this ad hoc interview with a half-dozen family members of 9/11 victims, who traveled to CPAC to keep their opposition to the Ground Zero mosque. Their heartbreak is very obvious, as is their disappointment in the political system that they feel have abandoned them and their concerns, especially Mike Bloomberg. They offered gratitude for the support from Rep. Peter King (R-NY). I’ll let the families speak for themselves on this issue, which they do eloquently, as well as show pictures of those who died in the terrorist attack, including two firefighters. The audio is a little hard to hear, as we had to do this quickly just outside of our booth on the main floor, but it’s worth it.”


Will the Republicans at CPAC Grow Up Enough to Battle Obama’s Marxism at the American Door?

The following circus apparently occuring among conservatives at the CPAC Arena seems to be dwelling on intelligence and who is to be pit against whom.

The purpose of every conservative grouping, meeting, discussing, planning, and so on, must be to DEFEAT the Marxism at the American door  led by the antiAmerican, Barack Hussein Obama. 

Instead we get this eavesdroppings from the pundits attending CPAC.   It has trickled to us from allahpundit at HotAir:

“Intelligence versus not-so-intelligent,” was the pitch by Ken Merritt, a Virginia-based Romney supporter with roots in Palin’s home state of Alaska. “Fluff versus not about fluff … [Palin] does a great show on TV, though.”

Swipes like these have been common during this year’s gathering of conservative activists. A no-show at CPAC for several years running, Palin has been a popular subject among the convention crowd, her absence interpreted either as an innocent scheduling conflict or, more often, evidence that she doesn’t feel the need to placate conservative voters…

“I would much rather have him than Palin,” said Bradley Gunther, a student at the University of Delaware whose college Republican group organized buses to Washington for the conference. “I think she is a good spokesperson for the conservative movement. She’s like Howard Dean for the Democrats: she gets people fired up but can’t win an election.”…

“He does go deeper into policy than any other candidate, and sometimes going deeper into policy, because he is so much more conversant, can give the perception that he’s not perfectly consistent,” Merritt said. “But what’s not to like about him? He has the experience and credentials to know what he’s doing as well as a business background and an organizational background. He is obviously the most intellectually-gifted one in the pack.”

Red State contributor Dan McLaughlin says of course Romney is the anti-Palin: Palin, after all, has principles. Mitch Daniels almost took a shot at Mitt too, goofing on his stiffness before backing off at the last moment. It’s campaign season, amigos — time to start throwing some punches. In fact, even the new head honcho of CPAC is getting into the mix, suggesting that Palin and Huckabee mustn’t be serious about running or else they’d have showed up this weekend, wouldn’t they? Zing!

For your viewing pleasure, a few minutes of Romney’s speech this morning indicting The One for helping to bring about new Hoovervilles. (Really?) Fox News pollsters asked Republican voters which potential nominees they think would make good presidents. Only Huckabee (55 percent) and Romney (54 percent) cracked majority support. Gingrich landed at 43 percent and Palin at just 40, with Jeb Bush behind her by a single point.”

Click here for  the highlights of the Romney presentation:


Comment:  The Great Schism in today’s American conservative  movement, that is the people’s conservative movement, is the division between the social conservatives and the fiscal conservative groups. 

Obama Marxism cannot be defeated in 2012 if the candidate to oppose him is not a leader of both of these great conservative groups.   There can be no successful  open and free private enterprise system without  moral purpose, the highest ideals of the great JudeoChristian travels.   This JudeoChristian road cannot be provincial sectarianism.  Its messages must be classical and clear.   Who must we be to live morally and

The nation must be given lessons to recognize what we have lost over the past 50 years…..primarily our moral purpose, our ethos.   

what we need to do to become worthy, again, to lead the world.

Racism, Chicago, Rahm Emanuel and Urban Politics in Obama City

Comment:  Chicago is the prime example of the 2011 inner city version of pre-Civil War Negro plantation culture……one Party bossman ruling  the enslaved,  providing a degree of security and perpetual changelessness with payoffs,  deals, and lessons in hate,  to secure “the people’s vote” at the ballot box.

It is a culture founded in black racism,  taught in family, neighborhood and school to perpetuate myths and crimes. 

Obama man,  Rahm Emanuel of  “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. It gives you  an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before”  fame,  is running for mayor.  

Below is an  article  by Joseph Epstein of the Weekly Standard with the title, “Rahmbomb and Other Chicago Players:”

“In Chicago elections one’s antipathies are always nicely divided. The division is usually between idealistic incompetence and corrupt quasi-competence. Corrupt quasi-competence, the way of the Daley dynasty, père et fils, for better and worse generally wins the day. The result has been that the city kept humming along, with all its messiness pushed under an ample carpet: horrible public schools, heavy debt, lots of street-gang murder in slum neighborhoods to go around. But beautiful trees were planted everywhere, and the snow got shoveled off the main thoroughfares. Chicago, the city that works​—​that is, if you don’t look too closely. 

 For a brief patch, 1983-87, Chicago voters went for idealistic incompetence, and elected a black mayor, Harold Washington, who died in office. It wasn’t, I think it fair to say, quite worth it. This was the period in Chicago known as the Council Wars, in which the 50 aldermen of the City Council, a group that makes Ali Baba’s 40 thieves look like l’Académie française, was divided down the line between black and white, with ugly racial feeling right out in the open. Like an unsuccessful movie, the Council Wars left no one to root for, with scoundrels on both sides of the divide. Black or white, when a Chicago alderman speaks on television, one mentally crayons in the eye-patch, the hooped earring, the parrot on his shoulder.

Mayor Richard M. Daley​—​Richie as opposed to his father Dick​—​came into office in 1989 and put an end to the Council Wars. He did so, one assumes, by assuring the aldermen that the spoils of big-city local government, in patronage and other emoluments, were plentiful enough to go around for everybody, and that war only got in the way of plundering. Richie has served six terms and been, on balance, a good mayor; not as good as Rudy Giuliani, who truly saved a city, but by Chicago lights, which is to say​—​yo, Benito!​—​he made the trains run on time.

Richie Daley is 68, he has a wife with cancer, his crest of popularity is now on the slide​—​enough, he must have concluded, is enough. He was a man of limited ambition, never wishing to rise to governor or U.S. senator, but content, like his father, with controlling his rich satrapy of Chicago. But the Chicago sky just now is darkening with chickens coming home to roost, with a billion-dollar budget deficit and an impressive $15 billion pension shortfall.

To help pay off some of the city’s debt, Richie entered into a billion-dollar parking-meter contract with a private firm that has substantially raised the cost of street parking in Chicago and has everyone grumbling. Parking on Chicago streets now feels less like a convenience and more like a punishment. Cars in Chicago are towed at the drop of a snowflake. Cameras have been installed at traffic lights on busy intersections allowing the city to collect $100 fines for people crossing on yellow lights. With more and more major industry leaving Chicago, it now sometimes seems that the city’s main source of revenue is traffic and parking fines. 

So Daley will not leave office covered with glory but rather, one suspects, with the feeling that he is escaping just in time. Looking upon his exhausted face, one has a sense of a man awaiting a strong organic substance to hit a rudimentary air-conditioning device. Feets, one senses a voice within him crying, get me out of here!

Players ready to take Richie Daley’s place have long been on the field. And a grim lot they are, giving diversity its usual good name for fairness and bad name for mediocrity: a black woman, two men of Hispanic ancestry, and a fellow, as my black basic-training sergeant Andrew Atherton used to say, of the Hebrew persuasion of well-publicized disputed residency riding in from the nation’s capital.

Ladies first. Carol Moseley Braun, the lady in question, is the politician who, perhaps more than any other in recent years, blew it on a field of the greatest magnitude. She is the first black woman elected to the U.S. Senate. That fact alone ought to have made her statue-worthy, the subject of a rich PBS profile cranked up every year during Black History Month, along with those on Rosa Parks and Althea Gibson.

Instead, it’s hard to find a mistake Moseley Braun didn’t make when a senator. She paid a gentleman friend campaign manager $15,000 monthly out of campaign funds; she several times visited and supported a Nigerian dictator (Sani Abacha) who was executing dissidents; and she lost a reelection campaign to a weak Republican candidate named Peter Fitzgerald after being accused of various improprieties, among them abusing Medicaid for her ill mother, misappropriating campaign funds, comparing George Will to a Ku Klux Klansman, and other fine deeds. “Most imprudent,” said a friend of mine, who was one of Moseley Braun’s teachers at the University of Chicago Law School, “especially for a hack.” 

If Carol Moseley Braun was wretched in office, she’s an even worse campaigner. She claims that she’s the one to break the city’s horrendous parking contract, which everyone else agrees is ironclad, with no word about where the billion dollars to repay the private vendor is to come from; she claimed to have advanced degrees from Harvard (oops​—​she doesn’t); she blamed Rahm Emanuel, the front-runner in the mayoral campaign, for cutting and running after helping Barack Obama engineer the greatest midterm election debacle in history. 

After being defeated for reelection to the Senate, Moseley Braun, when asked if she would seek political office again, told the press, “Read my lips. Not. Never. Nein. Nyet.” Of her 1990 campaign, she said: “If I lose I’m going to retire from politics, practice law, and wear bright leather pants.” A case, apparently, of growing too big for those britches. With a mournful looking Jesse Jackson hovering behind her as she makes her sometimes inchoate announcements to the press, Moseley Braun is running a campaign purely about race. Still, it is always amusing to see Jesse Jackson on yet another losing horse, crying, no doubt, wildfire.

Miguel del Valle, currently the city clerk, was the first candidate to announce for mayor when Richie Daley decided not to run. His early start has not helped him in any obvious way; so far as I know, no poll has shown him with more than 8 percent of the vote, and many with less. A professional politician​—​he was in the Illinois state senate for two decades​—​del Valle is a less than inspiring candidate: You have to imagine a Puerto Rican Mr. Peepers. He is for all the standard things: better schools, less crime, more transparency. (Will we ever again have a candidate who is happy with the current opacity?) And yet one feels that he speaks from the heart when he talks about the poor in Chicago feeling oppressed by their government. And it is true that a Chicagoan without clout or money is increasingly caught between the greed of the politicians and the rigid stupidity of the bureaucrats. 

Gery Chico, son of a Mexican-American father and a Greek-Lithuanian mother and the candidate closest on the trail of Rahm Emanuel, has been politician and bureaucrat both. He has been president of Chicago Public Schools, president of the Chicago Park District, chairman of Chicago City Colleges, and from 1992 to 1995 was Richie Daley’s chief of staff. His campaign has been chiefly about attacking Rahm Emanuel’s ideas on tax cuts, but without great success. Chico is a political insider, with a law firm in which several members are registered as city hall lobbyists. The aldermen, one feels confident, could live very comfortably with him. And why not? Gery Chico is a company man in a company town.

Here, perhaps, we come to the crux of the matter. Rahm Emanuel, though scarcely an outsider to politics, may be too large a figure for the Chicago aldermen. For a good while there has been whispering that the aldermen, chief among them a Southwest side figure named Edward Burke, have been behind the move to disqualify Emanuel from the mayoral race owing to his not meeting the residency requirement. Ed Burke, Irish, from a political family, wearing bespoke suits and fancying hundred-dollar haircuts and designer glasses, has been on the Chicago City Council since shortly after the reign of Julian the Apostate. Burke’s candidate in the mayoral election​—​no surprise here​—​is Gery Chico.

One of the delights of this mayoral campaign is watching the performance of what one assumes is the currently highly self-suppressed Rahm Emanuel. The volatile pol, famous for his temper and foul mouth​—​“feisty,” I believe, is the favored euphemism​—​has been coming across cool and serene, positively rabbinical. (At a roast of Emanuel, Barack Obama recounted that, working at a delicatessen as a boy, Rahm had lost a good part of the middle finger of his right hand, which “rendered him practically mute.”) In commercials he speaks of his sadness at viewing poor children going off to Chicago public schools with “no hope in their eyes,” and how he is intent upon changing that. During what must have been the infuriating legal battle over his residency status, he appeared, with impressive sangfroid, before the Chicago election board committee and the screeching questions of the local press as if he were auditioning for the part of Father Flanagan.

When Emanuel appears in his often-shown television commercials, I think of him as the Rahmbomb, after the great 12th-century Jewish philosopher Maimonides, who, in an anagram of the initials of his name in Hebrew, was known as the Rambam. Rahmbomb because one is waiting for one of those famous f-bombs of Emanuel’s to explode on a tape or a microphone he might mistakenly have thought was turned off.

On the other hand, the one with the middle finger intact, there is no reason for Emanuel to explode. Once the residency business was out of the way, his campaign became smooth sailing, and on a luxurious yacht. With a campaign chest of $12 million, at last reporting, the Rahmbomb had three times more money to spend than all his opponents combined.

(Emanuel, taking a brief break from politics between 1999 and 2002, quickly accumulated a fortune of his own​—​estimated at $16 or $17 million—while working for an investment banking firm called Wasserstein Perella. Bill Daley, Richie’s younger brother, who has taken over Emanuel’s post as Obama’s chief of staff, before starting his new job had to divest himself of more than $7 million worth of stock from his days working for JPMorgan Chase. Amid all their high public service and good works, these boys always manage to connect for a little jackpot of $8 or $15 million of their own.)

With his vast campaign funds, with his pathetic field of competitors, does the Rahmbomb have anything special in mind for the city he desires to govern? If so, he has thus far pretty much kept it to himself. Like everyone else, he lisps in clichés: He is going to improve the schools, get crime off the streets, relieve the municipal debt. He claims to be able to accomplish that last by streamlining the city’s tax system and increasing efficiency among city workers. (Old joke: Why does it takes 14 Chicago Streets and Sanitation Workers to change a light bulb? Answer: Because 13 of them, after having someone sign in for them, are at work doing business with the city at their privately owned asphalt companies.) 

Why does the Rahmbomb want to be mayor of Chicago? Naturally no mention is made of his enjoying power of the kind that being mayor of a Democratic stronghold like Chicago confers. Might sheer egotism backed by effrontery have anything to do with it? Not in his version. In his version he loves the city. (He actually grew up outside it, on the North Shore, and went to New Trier High School, one of the most academically competitive secondary schools in the country, where the students speak of their days as Preparation H: preparing, that is, for Harvard. Emanuel made it only to Sarah Lawrence.) He suffers from acute idealism, he tells us, learned from his pediatrician father and psychiatric social worker mother. The man wants to do good. His religion, he tells us, has reinforced this idealism. 

Emanuel’s being Jewish is a question of genuine interest. Chicago isn’t a very Jewish city. With roughly a quarter million Jews, the city is only 3 percent or so Jewish. Apart from Jewish aldermen elected from the city’s two or three heavily Jewish wards, Jews have never taken an out-front position in local politics. Powerful Jewish pols such as Jacob Arvey, the man behind Adlai Stevenson’s career in Illinois politics, functioned as éminences grises. A Jewish mayor is something else again. 

Chicago is a city of peasants, or, more precisely, people of peasant background: Poles, Italians, Irish, Greeks, blacks. Peasants, I think it fair to say, don’t get Jews. And the Rahmbomb is an anti-Semite’s dream. He is wealthy, aggressive, he even took ballet lessons, for God’s sake; all the anti-Semitic stereotypes are in place, except for his not being highly cerebral. 

Jews, a character in the movie Barney’s Version says, are not more intelligent than anyone else; they are just more wary. Whether Chicago does or doesn’t elect Rahm Emanuel its mayor will, either way, constitute another little chapter in the history of anti-Semitism in America. American universities that once strictly enforced quotas against Jewish students have now all had Jewish presidents, almost all of whom, let it be said, have shown themselves quite as mediocre as their predecessors. Has the time come when the country is also able to support Jewish politicians quite as mediocre as their predecessors? Let us hope so. 

To win the office, the Rahmbomb must get above 50 percent, or be forced into a runoff with the second leading vote-getter. As things stand at the moment, it appears that he will win in a canter, without having to break a sweat, and the chances are good, too, that he will be able to avoid a runoff. The sweati ng—the real schvitzing, to use the Yiddish word, which conveys so much more—will come only after he is elected and has to deal with plug-ugly backroom pols, recalcitrant union workers, and enormous budget deficits, at which point, expect many a bomb from the Rahm.

Joseph Epstein is a contributing editor to The Weekly Standard.

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Minnesota Alert: Please Attend Wednesday Hearing on Obamacare

Come to a MN hearing on Wednesday. We need everyone to come!
On Wednesday, February 16, at 2:30 p.m, GOP state Rep. Steve Gottwalt (R-St. Cloud), chairman of the MN Health and Human Services Reform Committee, is holding a hearing on his bill to create the Obamacare Health Insurance Exchange in Minnesota. The Exchange is the “command and control” infrastructure of Obamacare.It will limit health insurance choices, comply with Obamacare mandates and controls, and collect and share private medical and financial data without consent. 
Short List of Concerns:
The bill mentions the “Affordable Care Act” (Obamacare) a whopping 38 times. The U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services (federal government) is mentioned 20 times. The Internal Revenue Code (IRS) is mentioned 6 times. The word data is mentioned 21 times. The data is treated as government data under Chapter 13. The Minnesota Department of health is given surveillance powers. Citizens would not be allowed to seek redress or protest Exchange actions under the Administrative Procedures Act. The Exchange is established “to exist in perpetuity.” (p. 4)
What you can do:
1) Come to the hearing on Wednesday (see below). Bring your family and friends. Let’s flood the hearing room.
2) Ask to testify (call Holly at 651-296-4305 to sign up; Call CCHF if you want help with your testimony)
2) Contact your state Representative and Senator and tell them to oppose the Health Insurance Exchange (House bill has no number yet and there is no Senate author yet)
3) Contact every committee member by phone and email them to oppose the Gottwalt Health Insurance Exchange bill (All members are GOP except Liebling, Fritz, Hosch, Huntley, Loeffler, Moran, Murphy, Norton, and Peterson)

Hearing Details:
Committee Meets from: 2:30 – 4:15 p.m. Wednesday, Feb 16
Room: 200 State Office Building
Address: 100 Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, St. Paul 55155
Parking: BRING QUARTERS ($1.50 per hour)

NOTE: It appears the bill is being fast-tracked. Governor Dayton is expected to sign it if it arrives at his desk because it’s Obamacare. Both the policy and the finance committees are holding Pro-Exchange info hearings Feb 15 (12:30/2:30) and the first vote will take place in Rep. Gottwalt’s policy committee the next day, Feb 16.
Help us stop this bill! Join us at the Wednesday Feb 16 hearing!
We’ll have stickers for you to wear. Email Jenna to say you’re coming: Jenna@cchfreedom.org


Twila Brase RN, PHN

Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom
1954 University Ave. W, Ste. 8
St. Paul, MN 55104