• Pragerisms

    For a more comprehensive list of Pragerisms visit
    Dennis Prager Wisdom.

    • "The left is far more interested in gaining power than in creating wealth."
    • "Without wisdom, goodness is worthless."
    • "I prefer clarity to agreement."
    • "First tell the truth, then state your opinion."
    • "Being on the Left means never having to say you're sorry."
    • "If you don't fight evil, you fight gobal warming."
    • "There are things that are so dumb, you have to learn them."
  • Liberalism’s Seven Deadly Sins

    • Sexism
    • Intolerance
    • Xenophobia
    • Racism
    • Islamophobia
    • Bigotry
    • Homophobia

    A liberal need only accuse you of one of the above in order to end all discussion and excuse himself from further elucidation of his position.

  • Glenn’s Reading List for Die-Hard Pragerites

    • Bolton, John - Surrender is not an Option
    • Bruce, Tammy - The Thought Police; The New American Revolution; The Death of Right and Wrong
    • Charen, Mona - DoGooders:How Liberals Hurt Those They Claim to Help
    • Coulter, Ann - If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans; Slander
    • Dalrymple, Theodore - In Praise of Prejudice; Our Culture, What's Left of It
    • Doyle, William - Inside the Oval Office
    • Elder, Larry - Stupid Black Men: How to Play the Race Card--and Lose
    • Frankl, Victor - Man's Search for Meaning
    • Flynn, Daniel - Intellectual Morons
    • Fund, John - Stealing Elections
    • Friedman, George - America's Secret War
    • Goldberg, Bernard - Bias; Arrogance
    • Goldberg, Jonah - Liberal Fascism
    • Herson, James - Tales from the Left Coast
    • Horowitz, David - Left Illusions; The Professors
    • Klein, Edward - The Truth about Hillary
    • Mnookin, Seth - Hard News: Twenty-one Brutal Months at The New York Times and How They Changed the American Media
    • Morris, Dick - Because He Could; Rewriting History
    • O'Beirne, Kate - Women Who Make the World Worse
    • Olson, Barbara - The Final Days: The Last, Desperate Abuses of Power by the Clinton White House
    • O'Neill, John - Unfit For Command
    • Piereson, James - Camelot and the Cultural Revolution: How the Assassination of John F. Kennedy Shattered American Liberalism
    • Prager, Dennis - Think A Second Time
    • Sharansky, Natan - The Case for Democracy
    • Stein, Ben - Can America Survive? The Rage of the Left, the Truth, and What to Do About It
    • Steyn, Mark - America Alone
    • Stephanopolous, George - All Too Human
    • Thomas, Clarence - My Grandfather's Son
    • Timmerman, Kenneth - Shadow Warriors
    • Williams, Juan - Enough: The Phony Leaders, Dead-End Movements, and Culture of Failure That Are Undermining Black America--and What We Can Do About It
    • Wright, Lawrence - The Looming Tower

CJack Reviews Left-wing Press and the Dem’s Corrupt National Committee!

The United States of America is under attack by the left-wing press and the “corrupt” Democratic National Committee—

There is nothing new about the corrupt Democratic National Committee’s idiotic wish of transforming our Union into another failed Marxist “paradise.” And what is even more tragic is to see how ill-informed our nation continues to be about the horrors endured by the people of Eastern Europe and the Baltic republics under Communist rule. Though this ignorance led us to twice elect the Marxist community-organizer Obama to lead our nation, and still cannot denounce his current anti-American activities to overthrow our duly elected President Donald J. Trump and his administration, since Obama’s election, and now Trump’s, I have been unable to explain why was Obama blindly supported by the American press and now its egregious disrespect for Mr. Trump and his administration. Frankly, I’m equally perplexed and must admit the average Europeans seem better informed than average Americans, which are wrapped in the empty lives of its athletes and entertainers. We are no longer a nation of moral and religious imperatives; no, we have become a debauched rudderless ship of fake intellectualism drowning in a sea of aimless material pursuit; a dumb-downed nation where the opinions of evening-show hosts, actors, rap musicians, athletes, and opinionated TV news-readers have become the subliminal character-molders in American living rooms. No wonder the authoritarian Russians and Chinese are overtaking the disorderly democracies.

If we let the intellectually inept and morally bankrupt Democrats have their way, America will regurgitate the old tyrannical political system of the communist Soviet Union with its ‘dachas’ for the elite and brutal concentration camps for those with the audacity to demand their basic rights. No longer will American citizens have the right to free speech, freedom of the press, the right to peaceably assemble, the free establishment of religion, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. And because they’ll be denied the right to bear arms they’ll be unable to challenge their oppressor (s). Their free nation will then be known as the United Socialist States of America, its citizens living under a rehashed totalitarian Marxist doctrine called “Globalism” imposed by a supra-national bureaucracy with John Lennon’s “Imagine” as the global anthem; their flag, a red banner with a world globe in the middle.

Let us not take this lightly; it could happen in complacent America. Fascism is not new. Our press, with few exceptions, has already become a conveyor of “fake news” and political fabrications similar to the Soviet Union’s Pravda and TASS. Oh yes; Barack Obama’s “transformation” of America began on the night of his presidential election…November 4, 2008. In fact, Obama was trained from a very young age for this devilish undertaking. So get busy to deny him and his anti-American Democrats the White House in 2020.

In the interest of our national security and the preservation of our Union, the integrity of its Constitution and laws and legal processes, and the societal order of our Union; we should, in fact, call for the suppression of the freedom of our derelict press, until otherwise no longer necessary. The press, instead of objectively conveying the truth to the nation, deliberately fabricates lies and fake scandals to impede and ultimately overthrow our duly elected President. Say No! to the Democrats.

Cjack…Midweek Commentaries…Sentinel on the Gulf…

When will Americans Begin to Notice the Schiff Fascists Now Destroying Our American Dream to Seek and Honor TRUTH!

Where would we Americans be today without the devotion for truth and freedom exercised by honest Jewish folks such as John Hinderaker and Dennis Prager?

Our American Christian community, may God Bless Them, seems to have retreated into the Roman catacombs again  (for another 500 years?).   At least they still worship the importance of Truth over Evil when  80% of their voters went for  and elected Donald J. Trump to the American Presidency in 2016!!


What makes Evil in a live human animal? ……  THE ABSENCE OF TRUTH AND HUMAN DECENCY, something I learned at Church and in school, kindergarten to college and graduate school when America was still the AMERICAN DREAM!

It isn’t too hard to understand….UNLESS YOU ARE FASCISTS LIKE  ADAM SCHIFF,  NANCY PELOSI, JERRY NADLER,  CHARLES SCHUMER, RICHARD BLUMENTHAL, BERNIE SANDERS, ERIC SWALWELL, MAXINE WATERS, GEORGE SOROS, HOLLYWOOD, AND UNIVERSITIES and other mouths running today’s Fascistic Dem Party absent of traditional American values dreamed and honored.

Fox News is also among this crowd of evil, but probably not by design…., perhaps their STAR animals don’t know the evil they are  nursing when selling  Adam Schiff and crowd.   “Conservative” Fox advertises “fair and balanced”  news….and so,  sells  Schiff FASCIST disorders and lies  as equal to those honest traditional Republicans and Democrats who still honor and strive for Truth and honesty but are too gutless or too uneducated to know or remember how vitally important EXERCISING TRUTH IS IN A FREEDOM LOVING COUNTRY  LIKE AMERICA IN MY LIFETIME  STRUGGLED TO MAINTAIN WHEN IT VALUED THE GUIDE OF GODFEARING JUDEOCHRISTIANITY!

I have never met John Hinderaker, one of my heroes trying to save our traditional American values in our days of Schiff swamp.   He seems to be a very gentle gentleman when evaluating the fascist and fascistic horrors now overwhelming our dreams of America!   Such gentlemen are better than no gentlemen at all.

The human female animal prefers security over freedom.   Fascism whether German, Soviet, Maoist, or Schiff-style doesn’t really seem to matter as long as she feels ‘SECURE’.

Ban All the Red Hats?


Arrogant, big mouth, cocky, Foxy, antiPresident Trump, Phil Cavuto,  seems to be one of the Fox News  fascistics who froth at their joy mouth to eliminate our American 45th President from the nation’s White House as soon as possible.

Is President Trump  too American for the business folks at Fox News?   Perhaps he can’t be controlled for he LOVES HIS COUNTRY JUST AS I And  MILLIONS OF AMERICAN CHRISTIANS DO!!!   He is not bought or otherwise controlled by BUSINESS, BIG OR INTERNATIONAL.  Is that what makes so many mouths of Fox “News” reporters and reviewers like Cavuto to cheat, distort, so often complain and/or squeal against the President at news hours?  Is it instruction from station leftists or personal?

Or is the American population under age 50 so uneducated, so obtuse to American existence at home and abroad, so drugged, Godless,  and lost in life bearing  no brains clear enough to handle learning right from wrong,  those vitally  important matters of civilized human existence?

Did or did not President Donald J. Trump, while talking on the phone with the President of the Ukraine President, Volodymyr Zelensky,  utter any word or words wondering about  a serious rumor  that a flaky American Vice President’s son, a young man of many serious background issues, carped millions of dollars out of  Ukraine pockets to score a bit of  fuel business for the weak nation nearly crushed by papa Russia?

So what?    Major corruption was in the air.   How did millions of dollars wind up in the pocket of  Vice President’s troubled son?

Dem fascists wouldn’t hear of something so possibly TRUE.  These fascists and fascistics, almost fascists) are programmed to assault before, during, or/and, after such news…THEY OWN OUR PRESS!

Ancient American MILLIONAIRE, Biddy Pelosi, with countless fascist and fascistic Dem friends and allies, immediately turned to their press and television command worlds.  These fascistics  OWN parts of  the Wall Street Journal, and, outside of radio, nearly every  newspaper and television news communication apparatus in our American world.

If TRUTH had any value in today’s American lines of knowledge, business, and communication,  Democrat candidate for the Leftist American Presidency, Ditsy Vice President Joseph Biden should be confronted by law for possible corruption charges,  NOT TO LIVE IN THE WHITE HOUSE.



These Pelosi fascists of our day who own news television and America’s newsprint from the Atlantic to the Pacific dictate the news that  President Trump has committed a serious crime, one for impeachment and removal from office.   That is the way the fascist Left in power makes truth and knowledge disappear!  Enough noise must overwhelm their own leftist corruptions so their evil can never be reported,  exposed.

I fell in love with Donald becoming our American President,  I think it was August 6, 2015 at Fox center, when the Republican National Committee was plotting to get rid of Mr. Trump as its GOP Candidate for the Presidency……Fox’s Megyn Kelly plotting to get rid of him asap as a presidential GOP candidate listed a few difficulties he had had with some women in the news….asking him if this was the way he viewed all women, never asking any difficult responses from  any of Fox-approved Republicans.

Donald answered, “No, only Rosie O’Donnell.”   My love for Trump began.  My love for functional, staid Republicans diminished.   I have loved and admired Donald ever since!

I am 85.   Somewhere in my 50s  when Donald Trump was happily married to his first wife, well before his Hollywood business jaunt and its episodes I was captured by  a two hour television program about his life.   His was a totally different world from my very modest life teaching  high school Social Studies and Russian in Minneapolis or later on, garden landscaping after being fired by telling Truths about school system to the public.

In the television review Donald Trump  spoke highly of his dad and mom and his opportunities…..had attended two private schools, the second one, according to his dad,  for more discipline in learnings!

Did you know Donald Trump was a gifted athlete in a number of sports.   If I remember the television biography  correctly, when he graduated college, he was offered a contract by the New York Yankees….what else?   HE TURNED THE OFFER DOWN TO WORK FOR HIS DAD IN THE BUILDING BUSINESS.

I was aware Mr. Trump lost his close older brother to alcoholism….according to the biography…..apparently a  main reason our President abstains.

My own dad was Republican.  He was an athlete and a pharmacist.  I married a Democrat in 1957 and remained one until Ronald Reagan.   I did like President John F. Kennedy very much, but no one else in his peculiar family.

Hillary was, is purely evil.   And so are the censoring big business and racist  fascists and fascistics who have taken over today’s once honorable American Democratic Party.

Will 45th American President,  Donald J. Trump,  overcome the Rise of our American fascists and fascistics now dominating American education, communication, and political worlds?

Obviously we cannot know the future.  But, with the rise of our new leaders,  Donald J. Trump and our Dennis Prager spreading knowledge, freedoms, and exposing Truth, WE AMERICANS FOR FREEDOM HAVE A GOOD CHANCE!  ghr


President Trump: Future Belongs to PATRIOTS, NOT GLOBALISTS!!

President Trump’s Speech to the United Nations,  September 24, 2019

Trump says future belongs to “patriots,” not “globalists,” in U.N. General Assembly speech

President Trump’s third address to the United Nations General Assembly was an unmistakably nationalist one, with the president reiterating the theme of his foreign policy doctrine, that all nations should be looking inward and considering their own interests first.

In a sober, scripted speech Tuesday, he focused more on criticizing other nations that he believes treat the U.S. unfairly than on uniting nations around principles of democracy and humanity.

The president hit on each of his favorite themes — unfair trade, imbalanced defense spending, illegal immigration, and socialism — reading from the teleprompter in a somewhat subdued manner.

“The future does not belong to globalists. The future belongs to patriots,” Mr. Trump said in one of the defining quotes of his more than 30-minute speech.

He singled out Iran for criticism, saying that the country deserves a government that cares about jobs for its people and for decreasing poverty. Mr. Trump said that after four decades of failure, it’s time for Iran’s leaders to stop threatening other countries and build up their own country.

But he followed up his critique with words of peace, stating that the U.S. is ready to embrace friendship with those who seek it, and it “has never believed in permanent enemies.”

“America knows that while anyone can make war, only the most courageous can seek peace,” he said.

His address came amid heightened instability in the Middle East, following the recent attack on Saudi oil facilities that the U.S. believes was carried out by Iran.

Mr. Trump also listed his complaints against China, including its “massive market barriers,” product dumping practices and forced technology transfers. He railed against the World Trade Organization for failing to compel China to liberalize its economy and called for “drastic change” to the international trade system. The second-largest economy in the world, he said, should not be allowed to declare itself a developing country at the expense of others.



Fascists at the UN Using Children as Weapons Against Civilization?

Over the weekend tens of thousands of Leftist, poorly educated, even “pre-adults” of all sexes and sizes collected to make great noise in  city streets screaming  against “Climate Change” and  our struggling,    United States of America.

Also on this past Monday the world’s leftists and fascists at the United Nations called upon wisdomless, experienceless, knowledgeless  children and teens to dictate their phrases and paragraphs to the adult world to  advance leftist  propaganda that Climate Change is primarily a white-American disorder to ruin our world.

Using children to attack adults was a major 20th century weapon against civilized humanity.   Children and teens, especially the anti- JudeoChristian ones,  were without intellectual measure, truth, knowledge,  wisdom in their learnings.    Fascist nations, especially the socialist-communist dictatorships such as the USSR, Cuba, and Red China  used children as weapons to kill countless thousands of  the fascist unwanted……even their own parents.

Socialist Bernie Sanders was a USSR fan and chose to be married in Soviet Moscow.

Please listen to  leftist-trained teen-age Greta Thunberg lecture at the United Nations headquarters this past Monday in New York what leftists taught her to say:


Fascistic America’s Sahara Desert called COLLEGE!


by Steven Hayward   at PowerLine:

For our Bay Area readers, the fourth year of my sentence as an inmate at UC Berkeley has started as of last week, and I’m teaching an undergraduate course on conservative perspectives on public policy issues that meets at 8:30 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I have plenty of empty seats in the classroom (room 250 at the Goldman School of Public Policy on Hearst Street on the north side of campus), if anyone would like to drop in from time to time. Closest public parking is on Gayley Road next to the football stadium just a short walk away.

But this week have we got a deal for you! On Wednesday, I’ll be hosting Heather Mac Donald at the Law School at 4 pm in the Warren Room, speaking about her latest book, The Diversity Delusion: How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture. It’s going to be epic! Come if you can. The Gayley Road public parking facility is also the best place to park for the Law School, which is in the southeast corner of the campus.

More speakers to come this fall and spring, including Amy Wax and others. Stay tuned for details.


The Week @ Berkeley

The World War of My Childhood Began 80 Years Ago!

Victor Davis Hanson: Lies, betrayal and incredible surprises marked start of World War II 80 years ago


Note from ghr:   I was 5  when the European part of  World War II broke out in 1939.

I became acutely aware of it by  the  Spring of 1942 when I began able to read the cutlines of the war photos of the  Sunday Pioneer Press rotogravure picture section of its Sunday newspapers, and  the newspaper’s  headlines  of the Pacific front that Spring.   “Battle at Midway”,  was my entry to become part of the war effort ,  playing serious war games with my neighborhood buddies thereafter until August, 1945 when it all finally came to an end.

I couldn’t read story books, both then and now, but, even then,  I could read a lot about real wars, draw maps,  read cutlines to pictures available anywhere between the 16th century Spanish invasion of Aztec Mexico  to  the Korean War.    I began collecting American state  road maps in 1942….and have about 200 of them still stashed away somewhere.

My dad was 41 years old in 1942…..too old to go overseas.   He became one of the local air raid wardens here in St. Paul….and with special helmet and vest practiced safety from air assaults twice a week from April  to September that year.   Our neighborhood house lights had to be out beginning from  dusk on to dark for an hour or two.

We also began our Victory Garden in two empty lots across the alley behind our garage.   My dad had agreed with the city to commit our family to be responsible for this national urban effort to support the war effort by providing food for  neighbors on our block.

The city would plow the fields for us….My dad signed a contract.   We were going to help the war effort.   I had two step cousins, sons of my German step grandmother, age 16 and 18 who had joined the navy shortly after Pearl Harbor, and were sent to the Pacific front.

As life moved on that April, after Mom, Dad, and I had done all of the plantings, from radishes to sweet corn, potatoes to peas and even egg plant and  okra, lettuce, and tomato plants to  kholrabi,  you name it,  we must have planted it.   They treated me as if I were an adult.

Honestly, I loved every minute of it.   I loved the exploring, the planting, the learning from and  with both my parents.   Dad, however, had to work six days a week,  pharmacist and manager of a downtown St. Paul Liggett Drug Company store.  Mom picked up a terrible  rash, so was confined to canning and the cooking world throughout the war.

I became king of the Victory Garden roost…..and in full truth, then and now, loved every moment of it.  I weeded, mulched, fertilized, watered, planted, harvested, often thinking I was helping  our war effort in a dreamy way.   (I’d dive bomb the Colorado potato beetles eating potato foliage with my right hand “Lockheed Lightening”  and bury these enemies  into dad’s last year’s grease collection from his car….which was by then stored away in the garage until the war was over.

That war made me become a high school teacher of Social Studies, History, and Russian…..until the schools began to collapse as teaching  knowledge  institutions in the 1970s.     I have worked in the plant world ever since….including this very day,  next week, next month, and next Spring, Godwilling,  at 85 years old!

Please, Fellow Americans, Be Aware of the Fascistic Google War Against Our American Prager U!

I missed the following note from PragerU world regarding Google’s fascistic War against conservative communications in today’s leftist “Democrat” America.   This past  Tuesday, August 27,  we 85 year olds, graduates of 1952’s St. Paul Central High Schools, met for our 14th class reunion.

In our today’s  profoundly  problematic 21st century America, one couldn’t find a more civil, civilized, well educated, polite, JudeoChristian group of  Americans to be with, even in our 82nd year of life.

That is what in our generation we were trained, programmed, educated to be, by school,  Church and Synagogue, by newsprint and radio,  by mother, barber, and baker!

Real mothers existed then.   Adults were Bible aware.   Learning goodness was vital. Movies were civil.   Actors and actresses spoke beautiful American English, governed, trained, accomplished by radio and teachers.  Despite the Depression and the War,  honesty was vital to ones soul. Truth was sought, nearly all collectively examined and taught by old maid school marms, the very, very well educated ones like the ones we had who taught us  at 1948-1952 St. Paul Central High School.  How lucky we were.

Today, fascistic Google exists selling, controlling  its pompous devotion to  leftism and arrogance.   Google is NOT alone!   It’s a virus.

To Dennis……I hate to say this,  Dennis.   I don’t think you would have had much of a need for your wonderful schooling at PragerU in 1948-1952.    You probably would have been selling knowledge at a true American University instead….

But,  our Dennis  had to go to Court last Tuesday……Please read his message below:

“Dear Friend,

PragerU will head to court tomorrow morning to fight for freedom of speech in America.

PragerU has a court date in our lawsuit against Google/YouTube scheduled for tomorrow August 27th in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The outcome of this case is critical, and it will determine whether Americans can continue to express their views freely online.

We will be sharing a live stream of the hearing on PragerU’s social media channels starting at 9:00 am PT/12:00 pm ET.  Make sure to tune in!

There is no doubt about it: Conservative values are under attack.

We are seeing an outright assault against conservatives by Big Tech. Not only are these companies using their algorithms to suppress accounts and content that present a conservative point of view, but they are also preventing millions of Americans from even seeing videos from PragerU.

Currently, over 200 of our videos are restricted by YouTube, and many others are demonetized on its platform. Even 5 of our videos on the 10 Commandments have been restricted!

Last month, Dennis Prager testified before the U.S. Senate on how Big Tech censorship is the greatest threat against free speech today. The hearing revealed how Big Tech companies have a long-running pattern of targeting conservatives.

This is why our lawsuit is so important. We are taking on the world’s two largest search engines: YouTube and Google. These two platforms control the content that billions of people see worldwide, and with that power, Google is using its platform to ban ideas and perpetuate the misinformation of the Left. We cannot — and will not — let that happen on our watch.

Can we count on your support today to help us continue to spread public awareness on this important issue? A majority of the public still trusts Google/YouTube, and with your help, we can break that trust. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today.

Freedom of speech is one of the most fundamental human rights protected by our Constitution. If conservatives are banned from having a voice online, it is only a matter of time until the freedom of speech is eliminated entirely.

We are determined to fight for as long as needed to secure this right for all. Please make a generous donation now to help PragerU fight Big Tech bias. August is our fundraising month, and we depend on support from people like you.

Won’t you stand with PragerU today and donate to help us fight Big Tech bias?

We appreciate your support,

The PragerU Team”


by Glenn H. Ray:

The first university learning degree I received was in 1956 with a major in Geography and minor in Russian.    I was exploring.   Grades had meaning then.   I wanted to study the world and learn a foreign language.   Russian was an easy choice for me….nothing to do with ancestry.  It had to do with my and my country’s  future.  The fascist, terrifying USSR was then the powerful enemy of our American way.

My instructors, solid professors, were all male and all phD’s….NO funky graduate students who could barely speak English, and no easy gradings for leftists as in our ‘modern’ era.    Tuition cost me only $30 per quarter.

We undergraduates were often told at the beginning of each  class instruction to look to the front, to the back and to both sides and then yourself because in two years three of you today’s  students will no longer be at the University of Minnesota’s College of Liberal Arts.   They told the Truth as it turned out.

To get this first college degree I had to study climatology,  geology,  geomorphology,  astronomy, as well as geography of the world’s continents and their countries which truly fascinated me.

No longer did I have to cheat about reading novels in those English classes.   I suffer a dyslexia, (not yet ‘invented’ then, so I had no clue)…. I couldn’t, can’t,  make anything out of  reading real novels.    I have those  remarkable visual skills I was born with, instead.

It was the content of novels.    I’d buy the classic comics such as Dicken’s Tale of Two Cities, zip through them, enjoy them enough to search out and then read accurately  in the actual novel the most exciting sections of the novel.    Anything by William Thackeray, and such, was  too dull, to distant visually from the mind or whatever,  to remember or  grasp anything.  Mentally, I couldn’t connect  every time I’d try to read a novel.

I have a personal library in my old age of a couple thousand books, mostly  texts,  histories,  biographies,  “1984”, reality stuff including nineteenth century readings like McGuffey readers.   Here, my memory was solid.   I loved sharing these  learnings, so my first career became teaching high schoolers…….

I learned something about the disappearance of the dinosaurs those 65 million years ago…..you remember, those huge creatures running around America’s Dakota’s, eating those fern trees and the tonnage of the Brontosaurs, the ones especially  tasty to Tyrannosaurus Rex…..

……and the more recent stuff including  the glacial periods of tens of thousands of years ago…..like the last one  in northern Minnesota around Duluth before Lake Superior was born with the melting of thousands of feet of glacial ice!!!

THANK GOD FOR THAT GLOBAL WARMING OR WE HUMANS WOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN ABLE TO LIVE HERE….but our today’s lefty Democrat Party doesn’t give a damn about TRUTH!.   They don’t seem to be interested in knowledge either.

Neither were the Soviets, folks.

Please continue reading below regarding Truth instead of today’s Politics regarding “Global Warming”:

No U.S. Warming Since 2005

Will Jews Still Vote Dem, Its Fascistics NOTWITHSTANDING? Probably!!

Most Jews don’t vote for Trump because we don’t share his values

Trump: Voting Dem is disloyal to Jewish people, Israel

I can see from the president’s statements on Tuesday that he is very frustrated by the fact that a strong majority of Jewish Americans, like me, did not vote for him or the Republican Party in 2016 and 2018 and probably won’t in 2020 either.

Trump even went so far as saying that Jews who vote for Democrats had “a total lack of knowledge” or “great disloyalty.” Ouch.

I gather from his citation of formerly Jewish talk show host who said that “the Jewish people in Israel love him like he’s the King of Israel,” Trump can’t figure out why most Jews here at home just don’t feel the same way.

Before I help explain why we don’t, the president’s assumption that Jewish people all think the same thing because we are Jewish shows that he really doesn’t know very much about Jews.

Yes, we all tend to like lox and bagels and we talk with our hands, but that is where the commonality ends. Jews throughout history have been arch capitalists, socialists, neo-cons, neo-liberals, Marxists and every ideology in between. We have a diverse set of views about international relations. We disagree, a lot, about Israeli politics and the Israel-Palestinian conflict.

And by the way, most other religious and ethnic groups in America are equally diverse and don’t really like it when others assume them to be a monolith.

For this reason, I realize I can’t speak for the 79 percent of American Jews who voted Democratic in the 2018 midterms. But I can explain why I voted that way and I think that many Jews like me did so as well

Bottom line: We don’t share the president’s values

First of all, most American Jews have a close connection to immigrants. Many of us are second, third or fourth generation immigrants. We feel strongly that refugees escaping persecution should be able to seek safety and shelter in America because throughout our history we have been persecuted and forced to flee to save our lives.

We have been on many refugee caravans. Ferdinand and Isabella evicted us from Spain, the tsars used pogroms to chase us out of Russia and we fled on boats and trains and by foot from the Nazis. We support today’s refugees because we know they could have been us.

We also support civil rights and diversity. We know what it’s like to be an oppressed minority for we “were strangers in the land of Egypt.”

We may feel very comfortable and secure in America, but we recoil when any American is targeted as “the other” — whether it be the Mexican you accuse of being a rapist or the Muslim you stereotype as being a terrorist — because so often we have been “otherized.”

The Jew with horns, the Jewish moneylender, the Jew with dual “loyalties.” We know that a frenzied mob calling for an American citizen of color to be kicked out of the country might be chanting to kick us out too one day soon. For there is one thing we know for sure: Those folks who don’t like people because they are black, brown or Muslims  don’t like Jews much either.

American Jews are deeply suspicious of any whiff of authoritarianism. We know the places we have thrived the best have been pluralistic democracies: America, Great Britain and Israel. But we also know the signs of an eroding democracy: demonizing of a free press, false claims about a rigged electoral process, the undermining of an independent judiciary, to name a few. When a charismatic leader scapegoats minorities for society’s ills and claims that “I alone can fix it,” our deeply engrained Jewish warning lights start flashing red. We have seen this play before.

Trump can order a Star of David be placed on the American flag, but I will never vote for someone with values so antithetical to mine. These values I consider essential to me as a Jew.

David Schanzer is a professor of public policy and director of the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security at Duke University. 


Most Jews don’t vote for Trump because we don’t share his values

Just a Note:   The first twenty years of my life were spent in  a  Jewish minority urban community…..the only minority community  of those days in our part of the city.    An American  Jewish  community would have to be urban.  Our  Jews were urban folk.  Wealth accumulation was this minority’s cultural drive.   American Jews have never been outdoor people.   The students, despite their youth, collectively exuded  airs of confidence to superiority because they were Jewish and were pressured at home to succeed at school.   They left classes early Tuesday afternoons of the public school season  to go to Hebrew School.

I learned that from school observation and experience.

Nevertheless, such specialties  never seemed to have  been allowed public in Uncle Sam’s world in my lifetime.  They would be smeared as anti-Semitic, ergo evil, lies, unworthy of a true American no matter how truthful!

I also noted that a small  number of Jewish students in my grade school classes cheated regularly while taking  tests,  notes inked on their wrists and such, a doing which never could have occurred in my mind.    In my family grades never really mattered.   Cheating on tests would have been a horror, a grievous sin in my child life.   I was expected to be civil, polite,  honest, and do as I was told by my teachers or else!   Getting good grades was never mentioned.

I attended public elementary school from 1939-1948.    ghr