• Pragerisms

    For a more comprehensive list of Pragerisms visit
    Dennis Prager Wisdom.

    • "The left is far more interested in gaining power than in creating wealth."
    • "Without wisdom, goodness is worthless."
    • "I prefer clarity to agreement."
    • "First tell the truth, then state your opinion."
    • "Being on the Left means never having to say you're sorry."
    • "If you don't fight evil, you fight gobal warming."
    • "There are things that are so dumb, you have to learn them."
  • Liberalism’s Seven Deadly Sins

    • Sexism
    • Intolerance
    • Xenophobia
    • Racism
    • Islamophobia
    • Bigotry
    • Homophobia

    A liberal need only accuse you of one of the above in order to end all discussion and excuse himself from further elucidation of his position.

  • Glenn’s Reading List for Die-Hard Pragerites

    • Bolton, John - Surrender is not an Option
    • Bruce, Tammy - The Thought Police; The New American Revolution; The Death of Right and Wrong
    • Charen, Mona - DoGooders:How Liberals Hurt Those They Claim to Help
    • Coulter, Ann - If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans; Slander
    • Dalrymple, Theodore - In Praise of Prejudice; Our Culture, What's Left of It
    • Doyle, William - Inside the Oval Office
    • Elder, Larry - Stupid Black Men: How to Play the Race Card--and Lose
    • Frankl, Victor - Man's Search for Meaning
    • Flynn, Daniel - Intellectual Morons
    • Fund, John - Stealing Elections
    • Friedman, George - America's Secret War
    • Goldberg, Bernard - Bias; Arrogance
    • Goldberg, Jonah - Liberal Fascism
    • Herson, James - Tales from the Left Coast
    • Horowitz, David - Left Illusions; The Professors
    • Klein, Edward - The Truth about Hillary
    • Mnookin, Seth - Hard News: Twenty-one Brutal Months at The New York Times and How They Changed the American Media
    • Morris, Dick - Because He Could; Rewriting History
    • O'Beirne, Kate - Women Who Make the World Worse
    • Olson, Barbara - The Final Days: The Last, Desperate Abuses of Power by the Clinton White House
    • O'Neill, John - Unfit For Command
    • Piereson, James - Camelot and the Cultural Revolution: How the Assassination of John F. Kennedy Shattered American Liberalism
    • Prager, Dennis - Think A Second Time
    • Sharansky, Natan - The Case for Democracy
    • Stein, Ben - Can America Survive? The Rage of the Left, the Truth, and What to Do About It
    • Steyn, Mark - America Alone
    • Stephanopolous, George - All Too Human
    • Thomas, Clarence - My Grandfather's Son
    • Timmerman, Kenneth - Shadow Warriors
    • Williams, Juan - Enough: The Phony Leaders, Dead-End Movements, and Culture of Failure That Are Undermining Black America--and What We Can Do About It
    • Wright, Lawrence - The Looming Tower

This Time the Obama Riot is in Charlotte

Media calls Charlotte riot a ‘protest’

by Rick Moran  at American Thinker:

“A riot broke out in Charlotte, NC late last night after police shot and killed a man who they say was armed with a gun.

But the family of Keith Lamont Scott says he was carrying a book when he emerged from a car at an apartment complex where police were serving  warrant on another man,

The officer who shot Scott is black.

Several hundred people gathered outside the complex Tuesday night, chanting “no justice, no peace!” and carrying signs that said “Black Lives Matter.”

While some threw bottles and rocks at officers working to control the protesters, others implored them to stop.

“That’s when things really started to pick up. I would say not long before 11 p.m., police deployed tear gas … as they tried to clear the streets,” said Adam Rhew, associate editor for Charlotte magazine.

After a brief lull, the crowds regrouped early Wednesday and blocked Interstate 85. They started a fire at the center of the highway, forcing vehicles and tractor-trailers to stall as far as the eye could see. Police cars with flashing lights hovered nearby.

Some protesters removed boxes from the back of semitrailers and set the items on fire. Police in riot gear formed a line and forced crowds away from the highway.

Shortly after, the highway partially opened, but some protesters remained in the vicinity and continued chanting. Others jumped on top of a police van and stomped on it, breaking the windshield and other windows.

At least seven people were transported to the hospital with minor injuries, CNN affiliate WSOC reported. It said five others have been arrested.

The man shot by a Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officer Tuesday afternoon has been identified as Keith Lamont Scott, Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts said…….”  Please continue reading:


Obama Welcomes Foreigners to “Foreignize” America

…..and fatten Hillary’s chances to become president…..

Obama: Refugee Crisis ‘a Crisis of Our Shared Security, Not Because Refugees are a Threat’

by Bridgett Johnson   at PJMedia:

“During a leaders’ summit convened by the United States on the plight of refugees at the United Nations today, President Obama called for “collective action” on a crisis that’s “one of the most urgent tests of our time.”

Before the 50-nation refugee summit, Obama sat down with a CEO roundtable as the White House announced 51 U.S. companies “made new, measurable, and significant commitments to aid refugees in the United States and around the world” that amount to “investing, donating, or raising more than $650 million” for refugee support, education and employment opportunities.

The list of companies includes AirBNB, Citigroup, Facebook, Goldman Sachs, Google, HP, IBM, Ikea, Johnson & Johnson, Mastercard, Microsoft, Soros Fund Management, TripAdvisor, Twitter, Uber, UPS and Western Union.

Obama said at the roundtable that the private-sector commitments amount to “educational opportunities for more than 80,000 refugees,” including those in camps, and “employment opportunities for more than 220,000 refugees.”……….”


What a President Hillary Has in Store for Israel


by Paul Mirengoff   at  PowerLine:

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, writing in the Observer*, says that having examined Hillary Clinton’s emails, he is “hard-pressed to find a single note that is sympathetic toward the Jewish state from any of the people she trusted.” He reminds us that Sid Blumenthal, one of Hillary’s most trusted advisers, sent Clinton dozens of anti-Israel articles written by Sid’s rabidly anti-Israel son Max. Hillary responded favorably to them.

But, says Boteach, “the stream of anti-Israel advice received by Ms. Clinton was much more comprehensive” than just the Blumenthal missives, and “emails between Ms. Clinton and other advisrrs. . .are equally appalling.” According to Boteach, “the negative, poisonous approach Ms. Clinton established demonstrates that a huge segment of her close advisers and confidants were attacking Israel, condemning Prime Minister Netanyahu, and strategizing how to force Israel to withdraw from Judea and Samaria at all costs.”

Consider long-time Clintonite Sandy Berger:

[In] September 2010 [Berger] sent Ms. Clinton ideas on how to pressure Israel to make concessions for peace. Mr. Berger acknowledged “how fragile Abbas’ political position [is],” and how “Palestinians are in disarray” and that “[f]ailure is a real possibility.” Mr. Berger was well aware, and informed Ms. Clinton, of the very real possibility that Israel would be placing its national security at grave risk in a deal that would very likely fail and lead to a Hamas takeover. But Mr. Berger felt the risks to Israeli lives were worth it. He advised making Mr. Netanyahu feel “uneasy about incurring our displeasure.”. . .

Astoundingly, Mr. Berger seemed to accuse the Jews in America of racism toward Obama. “At a political level, the past year has clearly demonstrated the degree to which the U.S. has been hamstrung by its low ratings in Israel and among important segments of the domestic Jewish constituency,” he writes. “Domestically, he faces a reservoir of skepticism on this issue which reflects many factors, including inexcusable prejudice…….”   Please read on:
