• Pragerisms

    For a more comprehensive list of Pragerisms visit
    Dennis Prager Wisdom.

    • "The left is far more interested in gaining power than in creating wealth."
    • "Without wisdom, goodness is worthless."
    • "I prefer clarity to agreement."
    • "First tell the truth, then state your opinion."
    • "Being on the Left means never having to say you're sorry."
    • "If you don't fight evil, you fight gobal warming."
    • "There are things that are so dumb, you have to learn them."
  • Liberalism’s Seven Deadly Sins

    • Sexism
    • Intolerance
    • Xenophobia
    • Racism
    • Islamophobia
    • Bigotry
    • Homophobia

    A liberal need only accuse you of one of the above in order to end all discussion and excuse himself from further elucidation of his position.

  • Glenn’s Reading List for Die-Hard Pragerites

    • Bolton, John - Surrender is not an Option
    • Bruce, Tammy - The Thought Police; The New American Revolution; The Death of Right and Wrong
    • Charen, Mona - DoGooders:How Liberals Hurt Those They Claim to Help
    • Coulter, Ann - If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans; Slander
    • Dalrymple, Theodore - In Praise of Prejudice; Our Culture, What's Left of It
    • Doyle, William - Inside the Oval Office
    • Elder, Larry - Stupid Black Men: How to Play the Race Card--and Lose
    • Frankl, Victor - Man's Search for Meaning
    • Flynn, Daniel - Intellectual Morons
    • Fund, John - Stealing Elections
    • Friedman, George - America's Secret War
    • Goldberg, Bernard - Bias; Arrogance
    • Goldberg, Jonah - Liberal Fascism
    • Herson, James - Tales from the Left Coast
    • Horowitz, David - Left Illusions; The Professors
    • Klein, Edward - The Truth about Hillary
    • Mnookin, Seth - Hard News: Twenty-one Brutal Months at The New York Times and How They Changed the American Media
    • Morris, Dick - Because He Could; Rewriting History
    • O'Beirne, Kate - Women Who Make the World Worse
    • Olson, Barbara - The Final Days: The Last, Desperate Abuses of Power by the Clinton White House
    • O'Neill, John - Unfit For Command
    • Piereson, James - Camelot and the Cultural Revolution: How the Assassination of John F. Kennedy Shattered American Liberalism
    • Prager, Dennis - Think A Second Time
    • Sharansky, Natan - The Case for Democracy
    • Stein, Ben - Can America Survive? The Rage of the Left, the Truth, and What to Do About It
    • Steyn, Mark - America Alone
    • Stephanopolous, George - All Too Human
    • Thomas, Clarence - My Grandfather's Son
    • Timmerman, Kenneth - Shadow Warriors
    • Williams, Juan - Enough: The Phony Leaders, Dead-End Movements, and Culture of Failure That Are Undermining Black America--and What We Can Do About It
    • Wright, Lawrence - The Looming Tower

Will Today’s Dems’ Fascism, Feminism, and Fantasy Deceive, Lie, and Cheat Their Way into the White House?

Our Feminists’ beloved Hillary Clinton has long been  gifted inventing, lying,  carrying, regurgitating, and selling  tons of evil about our once American U.S.A. !   Her now fascistic,  Democrat Party, RINOS,  our American press, and universities,  are all  loaded with competitors more vile, traditional America hating, dishonest, and violent.   They own nearly all of  our public schools, universities,  the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times et alia, and nearly 60% of Chris Wallace’s foreigner Fox.

Our once reliable, God fearing America is disappearing into today’s FASCIST FOG….where their elite meet to fete.

In my Soviet Studies sixty years ago when free expression in America was still civil and permitted, from Godfearing,  honest  Democrat and Republican alike,  I learned at university the Truths about the savagery of leftist fascism,  its Lenin and Stalin, and  then after 1949, its  Mao of China who became  the champion peoples’ murderer of all time.

Today,  the savagery and slime of leftist fascism has entered and nearly conquered Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Democratic Party.   Feminist feelings of all sexes are among fascism’s  champions.

Adam Schiff,  Dianne Feinstein,  Jerry Nader,  Maxine Waters, David Brooks, Bill Maher, PBS, CBS, NPR, ABC, MSNBC, NBC, CNN, Al Sharpton,  Judy Woodruff, Ruth Bader Ginsburg,  George Soros, and countless other Godless Leftists of all shapes and sizes now  lead today’s Dem-American fascistic domain, a gang never before holding such power.

At present the impeachment battle  contrived by the corrupt Left,  emanates from their lies about a phone conversation between American President Donald Trump and  new Ukraine President  Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine.  Honorable men, both!

About 50% of America’s voting population consists of  ditsy DEM females who have been trained to worship security over KNOWLEDGE AND TRUTH!

Nancy Pelosi is their QUEEN!      Learn more about this fascistic “Democrat” plot below!

The Problem with Impeachment

God Bless Our President Trump!

A Clarion Call to Our Jewish Americans!!

A clarion call to the Jewish people of the United States

By Myrna Lieberman at  American Thinker:

The Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah) is coming upon us and we listen to the shofar (Ram’s horn or trumpet).  In the Jewish tradition, if we do not listen to the shofar, the holiday has not been observed. The sounds of the shofar can be a battle cry, or a mournful cry. It is the sound of the presence of G-d, a call out to G-d when we need his intervention.

There are three basic trumpet calls, one is called T’ruah. It consists of rapid short bursts to arouse from our slumbering souls that have grown complacent; to alert the Jewish people for the need to come together for battle or the need to assemble because of an urgent situation.

This holiday is the anniversary of the creation of mankind and the renewal of our relationship with

G-d. As Judge, G-d will allocate what will happen to us in the coming year. Perhaps this is the ideal time for the Jewish people face an ugly fact:

The Democrat party, to whom Jews have been loyal since their arrival to America, is infested with Jew hatred and their support of Israel has eroded.  The Jewish members of Congress are silent. They have failed to learn the lesson of the Holocaust which is this: It is the responsibility of every individual to not be silent in the face of hate but to confront it.  In the past, Jews in Europe didn’t want to believe what they heard or saw until it was too late.

I believe it is the same situation when it comes to the Democrat party.

The election of   Representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota to Congress is a good example of Jews not wanting to ask the hard questions of a political candidate. After winning election, Omar changed her position. The Democrat party never called her out.

Omar tweeted an anti-Semitic trope which accused Jews of buying influence and forcing America to support Israel — “It’s all about the Benjamins” — and accusing Jews of dual loyalty.

On March 7, 2019, The House Democrats had an opportunity to pass a resolution condemning Jew hatred and naming Omar.  Instead, they chose to water it down to a resolution against all hate, and didn’t name her.

On August 19, 2019 Democrat Representatives Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan held a press conference bashing Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Trump for denying them access to Israel and called on the United States to cut foreign aid to Israel.

Both Congresswomen, failed to disclose that their trip was sponsored by Miftah, a pro terror, anti-Semitic Palestinian organization whose founder and chairwoman is Hanan Ashrawi.  She was the former spokeswoman for Yasser Arafat, who was the leader of the Fatah movement and chair of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). The goal of both organizations is the destruction of Israel.  Ashrawi was forced to apologize in 2013 for publishing an article criticizing President Obama for hosting a Passover Seder at the White House. The article fostered an old anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that Jews put Christian blood in Matzah.

Both of these Congresswomen spout virulent anti-Semitic comments on social media and shared an anti-Semitic cartoon drawn by Carlos Latuff who was a second place winner of Iran’s International Holocaust Competition.  Both women are supporters of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign whose ultimate goal is the destruction of Israel, which means another holocaust against the Jews.  This is an Islamic-inspired campaign against Israel and the number one contributor to the rise of Jew hatred on U.S. college campuses.

The Democrats have long been associated with the Women’s March, which has been hijacked by Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory, both of whom defend their relationship with Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam, whose anti-white anti-Semitic rhetoric is well documented.  Most of the Jewish women resigned and left. The March refused to condemn anti-Semitism

Many of the Democrats use Holocaust analogies to promote their political narratives, which trivializes the memory of the 6, 000,000 Jewish people murdered by Nazi Germany simply for being Jewish.

Representative Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) compared concentration camps to where the U.S. is housing illegal immigrant children “The United States is running concentration camps on our southern border and that is exactly what they are. They are concentration camps.”  This is a false comparison and unacceptable for a Representative of the U.S. Congress

Presidential Candidate (D) Marianne Williamson said the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will begin mass deportations is “no different “then when Jews face deportation in 1930’s Nazi Germany.

Presidential candidate (D) Cory Booker from New Jersey, during a June 8, 2019 campaign event in Iowa, compared U.S. Immigration policies to the U.S. policies of the 1930’s when the country rejected a boat carrying a Jewish Holocaust refugees. He then reversed his position during a live interview with the Washington Post in July 2019.

Democrat Congresswomen Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Pressley and Tlaib, known as the “The Squad, “are the face of the Democrat party. The face of hate.

Not one Democrat, not one Jewish Democrat has stood up against this promotion of hate against the Jews and Israel, our only ally and the only Democracy in the Middle East.

This sends a message that that the anti-Semitism is the new normal.

What is it going to take to wake my fellow Jews from their slumber that Jews are no longer relevant to the Democrat party?

Photo credit: Zachi Evenor

Myrna Lieberman is Founder of the Mobilization of Conservatives ®



Dem’s Minneapolis Violent Crime Exploding Like Dem’s Fascism Everywhere Else!


by  John Hinderaker  at PowerLine:

A number of American cities are in crisis–San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle and Los Angeles come to mind–but Minneapolis is giving those better-known towns a run for their money. Violent crime in Minneapolis is rising alarmingly, and it is getting international attention as a result of an incident that was recorded by security cameras. In broad daylight, just outside the entrance to Target Field, where the Minnesota Twins play, a gang of feral youths beat and terrorized a random man. The video was played by a local television station, and since then has been seen around the world:

Rising crime has created serious problems for the city’s boy mayor, Jacob Frey, and its City Council. Representatives of the four professional sports teams that play in Minneapolis went so far as to jointly author an op-ed in the Star Tribune calling on the city to step up law enforcement: “City leaders must act to keep downtown Minneapolis safe.”

The reality is, downtown Minneapolis isn’t as safe as it once was. Nothing will stop people from coming downtown more quickly than the perception or reality that it is unsafe. Our professional sports teams are collectively urging Mayor Jacob Frey and the Minneapolis City Council to invest in public safety for downtown Minneapolis.

We are not alone. This opinion is shared by many who call Minneapolis their home. A recent survey found that an overwhelming 68% of Minneapolis residents supported adding 125 police officers, and 63% support adding 250 officers. Given that resounding show of public demand, support for Mayor Frey’s proposal to add 14 police officers is the very least we can do.

Indeed. The city’s chief of police wants to add 400 officers, so the mayor’s 14 would seem a bare minimum. The problem, as the head of Minneapolis’s police union has pointed out, is that city officials are uniformly anti-law enforcement:

The city council…ran on an anti-police agenda and they all made it. It’s ultra-left. It’s been [an] extreme Democrat-controlled council. It’s been that way for 22 years. …

It’s an ultra-left agenda that the police are the problem. [They say] it’s a racially biased criminal justice system here, and we need to de-police. That’s the overtone of our council.

Even in the wake of the most recent homicides and other violent incidents, City Council members are clinging to their leftist illusions. Thus, one Council member says the Council is trying to do “a better job with our youth violence intervention strategies to support the youth who are in the downtown area between 9:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m.” I don’t think most residents believe the problem is that criminals who are wandering the streets in the middle of the night lack “support.”

This is the context in which President Trump will visit Minneapolis for a rally at the Target Center on Wednesday. Locally as nationally, Democrats stir up hatred against the president to distract from their own disastrous failures. Mayor Jacob Frey issued this statement:

Under ordinary circumstances, it would be an honor to welcome a sitting President of the United States to Minneapolis and to showcase all our city has to offer on the national stage.

“Ordinary circumstances” means, if we had a Democrat president.

But these aren’t ordinary circumstances. Since taking office President Trump’s actions have been reprehensible…

I would love to cross-examine Mayor Frey about which of Trump’s actions have been reprehensible. Reforming the tax code? Reducing regulations? Driving a sharp increase in economic growth, with unparalleled job opportunities and rising wages, especially for lower-income workers and minorities? Advancing American interests abroad, while standing up to the Chinese and Russians? Actually, I think the most “reprehensible” thing Trump did was to surprise the Democrats by beating Hillary Clinton.

…and his rhetoric has made it clear that he does not value the perspectives or rights of Minneapolis’ diverse communities.

Unless, of course, those “perspectives” include a desire for better jobs and rising wages. As for “rights,” I have no idea what he is talking about.

On October 10, our entire city will stand not behind the President, but behind the communities and people who continue to make our city–and this country–great. While there is no legal mechanism to prevent the president from visiting…

Mayor Frey acknowledges that if he had the legal power, he would stop the President of the United States from coming to Minneapolis. Of course, we shouldn’t single Frey out. I am pretty sure our left-wing Governor, Tim Walz, would ban Trump from Minnesota if he could. That is the depth of extremism to which the Democratic Party has sunk.

…his message of hatred will never be welcome in Minneapolis.

Actually, the president’ speeches are cheerful, upbeat and inclusive. If Frey wants to find some hatred, he should look closer to home.


Trump Visits a City In Crisis

That 2016 Trump Victory Reviewed by Leftist Americans at ABC, the Honest Ones!

When will Americans Begin to Notice the Schiff Fascists Now Destroying Our American Dream to Seek and Honor TRUTH!

Where would we Americans be today without the devotion for truth and freedom exercised by honest Jewish folks such as John Hinderaker and Dennis Prager?

Our American Christian community, may God Bless Them, seems to have retreated into the Roman catacombs again  (for another 500 years?).   At least they still worship the importance of Truth over Evil when  80% of their voters went for  and elected Donald J. Trump to the American Presidency in 2016!!


What makes Evil in a live human animal? ……  THE ABSENCE OF TRUTH AND HUMAN DECENCY, something I learned at Church and in school, kindergarten to college and graduate school when America was still the AMERICAN DREAM!

It isn’t too hard to understand….UNLESS YOU ARE FASCISTS LIKE  ADAM SCHIFF,  NANCY PELOSI, JERRY NADLER,  CHARLES SCHUMER, RICHARD BLUMENTHAL, BERNIE SANDERS, ERIC SWALWELL, MAXINE WATERS, GEORGE SOROS, HOLLYWOOD, AND UNIVERSITIES and other mouths running today’s Fascistic Dem Party absent of traditional American values dreamed and honored.

Fox News is also among this crowd of evil, but probably not by design…., perhaps their STAR animals don’t know the evil they are  nursing when selling  Adam Schiff and crowd.   “Conservative” Fox advertises “fair and balanced”  news….and so,  sells  Schiff FASCIST disorders and lies  as equal to those honest traditional Republicans and Democrats who still honor and strive for Truth and honesty but are too gutless or too uneducated to know or remember how vitally important EXERCISING TRUTH IS IN A FREEDOM LOVING COUNTRY  LIKE AMERICA IN MY LIFETIME  STRUGGLED TO MAINTAIN WHEN IT VALUED THE GUIDE OF GODFEARING JUDEOCHRISTIANITY!

I have never met John Hinderaker, one of my heroes trying to save our traditional American values in our days of Schiff swamp.   He seems to be a very gentle gentleman when evaluating the fascist and fascistic horrors now overwhelming our dreams of America!   Such gentlemen are better than no gentlemen at all.

The human female animal prefers security over freedom.   Fascism whether German, Soviet, Maoist, or Schiff-style doesn’t really seem to matter as long as she feels ‘SECURE’.

Ban All the Red Hats?


Arrogant, big mouth, cocky, Foxy, antiPresident Trump, Phil Cavuto,  seems to be one of the Fox News  fascistics who froth at their joy mouth to eliminate our American 45th President from the nation’s White House as soon as possible.

Is President Trump  too American for the business folks at Fox News?   Perhaps he can’t be controlled for he LOVES HIS COUNTRY JUST AS I And  MILLIONS OF AMERICAN CHRISTIANS DO!!!   He is not bought or otherwise controlled by BUSINESS, BIG OR INTERNATIONAL.  Is that what makes so many mouths of Fox “News” reporters and reviewers like Cavuto to cheat, distort, so often complain and/or squeal against the President at news hours?  Is it instruction from station leftists or personal?

Or is the American population under age 50 so uneducated, so obtuse to American existence at home and abroad, so drugged, Godless,  and lost in life bearing  no brains clear enough to handle learning right from wrong,  those vitally  important matters of civilized human existence?

Did or did not President Donald J. Trump, while talking on the phone with the President of the Ukraine President, Volodymyr Zelensky,  utter any word or words wondering about  a serious rumor  that a flaky American Vice President’s son, a young man of many serious background issues, carped millions of dollars out of  Ukraine pockets to score a bit of  fuel business for the weak nation nearly crushed by papa Russia?

So what?    Major corruption was in the air.   How did millions of dollars wind up in the pocket of  Vice President’s troubled son?

Dem fascists wouldn’t hear of something so possibly TRUE.  These fascists and fascistics, almost fascists) are programmed to assault before, during, or/and, after such news…THEY OWN OUR PRESS!

Ancient American MILLIONAIRE, Biddy Pelosi, with countless fascist and fascistic Dem friends and allies, immediately turned to their press and television command worlds.  These fascistics  OWN parts of  the Wall Street Journal, and, outside of radio, nearly every  newspaper and television news communication apparatus in our American world.

If TRUTH had any value in today’s American lines of knowledge, business, and communication,  Democrat candidate for the Leftist American Presidency, Ditsy Vice President Joseph Biden should be confronted by law for possible corruption charges,  NOT TO LIVE IN THE WHITE HOUSE.



These Pelosi fascists of our day who own news television and America’s newsprint from the Atlantic to the Pacific dictate the news that  President Trump has committed a serious crime, one for impeachment and removal from office.   That is the way the fascist Left in power makes truth and knowledge disappear!  Enough noise must overwhelm their own leftist corruptions so their evil can never be reported,  exposed.

I fell in love with Donald becoming our American President,  I think it was August 6, 2015 at Fox center, when the Republican National Committee was plotting to get rid of Mr. Trump as its GOP Candidate for the Presidency……Fox’s Megyn Kelly plotting to get rid of him asap as a presidential GOP candidate listed a few difficulties he had had with some women in the news….asking him if this was the way he viewed all women, never asking any difficult responses from  any of Fox-approved Republicans.

Donald answered, “No, only Rosie O’Donnell.”   My love for Trump began.  My love for functional, staid Republicans diminished.   I have loved and admired Donald ever since!

I am 85.   Somewhere in my 50s  when Donald Trump was happily married to his first wife, well before his Hollywood business jaunt and its episodes I was captured by  a two hour television program about his life.   His was a totally different world from my very modest life teaching  high school Social Studies and Russian in Minneapolis or later on, garden landscaping after being fired by telling Truths about school system to the public.

In the television review Donald Trump  spoke highly of his dad and mom and his opportunities…..had attended two private schools, the second one, according to his dad,  for more discipline in learnings!

Did you know Donald Trump was a gifted athlete in a number of sports.   If I remember the television biography  correctly, when he graduated college, he was offered a contract by the New York Yankees….what else?   HE TURNED THE OFFER DOWN TO WORK FOR HIS DAD IN THE BUILDING BUSINESS.

I was aware Mr. Trump lost his close older brother to alcoholism….according to the biography…..apparently a  main reason our President abstains.

My own dad was Republican.  He was an athlete and a pharmacist.  I married a Democrat in 1957 and remained one until Ronald Reagan.   I did like President John F. Kennedy very much, but no one else in his peculiar family.

Hillary was, is purely evil.   And so are the censoring big business and racist  fascists and fascistics who have taken over today’s once honorable American Democratic Party.

Will 45th American President,  Donald J. Trump,  overcome the Rise of our American fascists and fascistics now dominating American education, communication, and political worlds?

Obviously we cannot know the future.  But, with the rise of our new leaders,  Donald J. Trump and our Dennis Prager spreading knowledge, freedoms, and exposing Truth, WE AMERICANS FOR FREEDOM HAVE A GOOD CHANCE!  ghr


Cjack, Glenn Wish “HAPPY SHABBAT TO ALL”

—President Donald J Trump: Our 21st Century Minuteman—

Joe Biden is on tape & video bragging about his blackmail of Ukraine’s President Poroshenko. And Biden has implicated Barack Obama!

This is a done deal; the corrupt, insane, dumb Biden has brought down the House of Jackass Cards! Yet, again, the corrupt Grandma Pelosi and her gang of Congressional misfits have been directed by Hillary and Obama to spring their “plan C” to again deceive the American people with this bogus “impeachment inquiry” to nullify Trump. But it’s all really to cover up the crimes of the Obama administration. The Biden/Obama blackmail of Ukraine’s President Poroshenko is one big DNC scandal the Democrats are trying to keep a lid on. Don’t let them!

President Trump’s telephone conversation with the new president of Ukraine does not in any way compromise Trump. The transcripts are there for the world to confirm the egregious conduct of the Democrats as well as their moral bankruptcy. The Democrats will not cease to fabricate tales to overthrow our duly elected President. Neither Obama nor Hillary will ever accept the win of the outsider Donald Trump.

Don’t forget George Soros in the background funding other enemies of the republic.

And the Ukraine government holds another key to the puzzle: The reason for the Russians $145,000,000 donation to the Clinton Foundation, following the Hillary/Obama sale (uranium one deal) of 20% of the US uranium deposits to Russia? The money was actually Putin’s purchase of access to, and favors from, the projected Hillary Clinton presidency. Bingo!

The seditious Hillary Clinton went to Moscow to ‘reset’ the button on US relations with Russia; of course, in favor of the Kremlin. Yes, she was there to bring good tidings to the Russians; she was there to seal the sale of American uranium to Moscow. She was to betray our country for a sum certain…$145,000,000!

And what about the $500,000 Bill Clinton received in Moscow from a group of Russian businessmen…for a speech…again after the Uranium One Deal?

We have to admire the fortitude, tenacity, courage, and patriotism of President Trump who has put country before anything else. President Donald Trump is nation’s 21st Century Minuteman!

Happy Shabbat to all. Do not despair; the God of Abraham is still on the watch.

Cjack…Weekend Commentary…September 27, 2019

President Trump: Future Belongs to PATRIOTS, NOT GLOBALISTS!!

President Trump’s Speech to the United Nations,  September 24, 2019

Trump says future belongs to “patriots,” not “globalists,” in U.N. General Assembly speech

President Trump’s third address to the United Nations General Assembly was an unmistakably nationalist one, with the president reiterating the theme of his foreign policy doctrine, that all nations should be looking inward and considering their own interests first.

In a sober, scripted speech Tuesday, he focused more on criticizing other nations that he believes treat the U.S. unfairly than on uniting nations around principles of democracy and humanity.

The president hit on each of his favorite themes — unfair trade, imbalanced defense spending, illegal immigration, and socialism — reading from the teleprompter in a somewhat subdued manner.

“The future does not belong to globalists. The future belongs to patriots,” Mr. Trump said in one of the defining quotes of his more than 30-minute speech.

He singled out Iran for criticism, saying that the country deserves a government that cares about jobs for its people and for decreasing poverty. Mr. Trump said that after four decades of failure, it’s time for Iran’s leaders to stop threatening other countries and build up their own country.

But he followed up his critique with words of peace, stating that the U.S. is ready to embrace friendship with those who seek it, and it “has never believed in permanent enemies.”

“America knows that while anyone can make war, only the most courageous can seek peace,” he said.

His address came amid heightened instability in the Middle East, following the recent attack on Saudi oil facilities that the U.S. believes was carried out by Iran.

Mr. Trump also listed his complaints against China, including its “massive market barriers,” product dumping practices and forced technology transfers. He railed against the World Trade Organization for failing to compel China to liberalize its economy and called for “drastic change” to the international trade system. The second-largest economy in the world, he said, should not be allowed to declare itself a developing country at the expense of others.



The Disappearance of Motherhood in Today’s Fascistic America

Today’s American female under age 50 seems to be devoted to   fat, butch,  bossy, “free” and busy….TOO BUSY TO BE MOTHERS.  After all she is “it” in today’s Liberal Arts college.  Marriage itself is drifting into an abyss since it no longer  encourages Godfearing, motherhood, decency, and sacrifice, yesterday’s sanctuary of the JudeoChristian concept of family.

Neighborhoods no longer have neighbors.   Households, apartments are filled with come and go refugees isolated from “neighborhood”.   Families have disappeared from neighborhoods.    Crime skyrockets among  the urban masses.

Leftist, often foul Democrats control America’s House of “Representatives”, schools, universities, television, news centers from coast to coast.   TRUTH NO LONGER SEEMS TO HAVE MEANING EXCEPT FOR JUDEO-CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVES….those human creatures who are  ridiculed, hated at university and  in the nation’s public schools, banned  in general as something too yesterday to be of today’s concerns.    Teaching hate of white America and all of its yesterday’s  values seeking Truth and Freedom to stir fems  to feel they will raise  a  Braver Newer Fascist World.    Freedom is yesterday…It was so male!!!

Feminist fascism will SECURE  order with  FEELINGS of  peace and quiet!

Motherhood in America began its death throes  in the early 1960s.   Wild sex, drugs, and leftism  joined gangsters and  anti-war mobs to offer a new  cast for today’s American  schooling , college and  university  masses….a drug and racketeering one that by now has replaced learning knowledge and freedom by  seeking TRUTH.

City Mothers, poor or not,  were everywhere in our neighborhoods in the 1930s into the 1950s where I was growing up and schooled.   They were homemakers before, during, and a while after World War II.  They were leaders of the community during the week, sharing, chatting, caring with one another.   None of them worked away from their homes and  yards.   During the 1941-45 War butter, coffee, bread,  soap and Victory Garden produce were shared by the majority of sixteen home owner Mothers on our modest block.

Fathers too old to join the military worked 48 hours a week then.   My dad was a pharmacist downtown St. Paul, Mn.   Sunday was the religious day for all.   Nearly all of the city’s  stores were closed so folks could be at Church and home with family.

Naturally, sharing goods brought mothers  together.   Moms were problem solvers  at the center of our neighborhood  culture, six days per week.

Moreover, they were full time  MOTHERS, real mothers in action with children loved, repeated throughout the urban neighborhoods….until the druggie  1960s when neighborhood family life and civil order  began to collapse.

Today’s American neighborhood  world is a lonely, crippled, cold, Godless, uneducated, leftist, feminized, a  Dem world often without a real father in site.   These urbanites   hardly knows what a tree is.   They know nothing about the human struggle to be free of tyranny…..so they trust our today’s American Democrat tyrants of the George Soros world.

“Mothers” of their own children work away from home.   They send their babes away dropping them off somewhere,  while they go to work reducing their kind of “Motherhood” to evenings and weekends.

I had a home Mother until I was 13…..Most of my buddies had mothers until they went off to college or work.   Usually gals lived with their moms a bit longer.

Unless today there is home schooling, Mothers hardly exist in America anymore.   Fathers hardly exist.


Why is Leftist Fascism Becoming So POWERFUL in Britain and among Our Schumer-Nadler-Pelosi-New York Times Dems?

It is likely 99.5% of our today’s American female population under age 50  has no clue when the American Civil War began, no interest in knowledge, no love for truth, are lonely,  and mindlessly  vote ‘Democrat Left’ and mob politically…..Let’s recognize them children of Woodstock ‘parents’ and schooling America,  where our human female began her today’s  journey to become more animal than civil, more male than mother,  more vulgar than honest,  more fascist than learned, more rioter than worker,  fatter and louder at university,  often unmarried and VOTE FASCISTIC!.
It was Nikolai Lenin, not Adolf Hitler who gave birth to today’s fascist world the one now invading like cancerous tumors running wild on our current soulless American Dem Party led in Congress by  Chuck Schumer and ditsy-ritsy Nancy Pelosi, and their fascistic left hordes at CNN, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, PBS, ABC,  at Google and such, and even at Fox selling fascism in their ‘fair and balanced’, sugar to make more money.
Fox is not an American born institution…..Was it born via Australia?   It’s still foreign owned by those who own the Wall Street Journal….the business folks who hate President Donald J. Trump’s re-Americanizing  of our Red-White-and Blue business and culture.
How dare he!   What right does he have to believe in the American dream of our American male founders to seek Truth, Justice, and Freedom!!
Money, Power via  Evil is not a JudeoChristian value, folks.
(I came across the following article, but lost the source and the name of  its author.   Prime Minister Boris Johnson will be struggling against both left and right…..so save MOTHER ENGLAND!   Fascism is always a cancer in the world….
Why in America have our once ‘honorable’ Democratic Party, and about a quarter  of our present  Republican Party, the TRUMP HATERS both, become so devious, so corrupt and evil as to plot and  to sabotage against  their nations’  traditional devotion  to attain and expand  freedom,  honesty, and prosperity for its citizens?
…and then there is today’s United Kingdom:

—A few thoughts while I sit in the forest—

I have mixed feelings about the Brits, they were in on the fake dossier to destroy Trump, and no one can convince me otherwise. Christopher Steele, though a retired British spy, was still one of the “jolly good ol’ boys” in the British intelligence community; they all knew what was going on.

Given to intrigue the Brits and Russians have always played the field to hedge their bets. It was quite clear the Brits’ hard-drinking ex-PM Theresa May, who favored Hillary Clinton, was very disappointed with Trump’s victory. Ms. May turned out to be a political embarrassment for the British Parliament and their Queen. The simpleton Mrs. May left nothing of diplomatic value for the UK.

We know Hillary Clinton and the “DNC” paid for the fake anti-Trump dossier from Rosatom’s $145MM donation to the crooked Clinton Foundation. This was the Kremlin’s investment to purchase Hillary’s presidency (where is the bulk of her clandestine emails, eh?). Moreover, it’s likely the Brits’ MI6 and the GRU were active participants in the Hillary/Obama treachery.

But having failed to get Hillary elected, Putin directed his mole Barack Obama to activate ‘Plan B’ (the pre-fabricated Christopher Steele dossier) to invalidate Trump’s victory.

And now Obama, again directed by the Kremlin, has his ‘dirty deeds’ operative Ben Rhodes and others interfering in Israel’s electoral process, again to derail Bibi Netanyahu (Trump’s ally). In fact, Iran has the Kremlin’s support for its invasion of Israel through Northern Syria.

Furthermore, it is well known that Obama has been supporting the Mullahs in Tehran in their efforts to destroy Israel. Remember the $150B Obama transferred to Tehran? Obama has never been a friend of the Jewish nation. What’s more sickening is that he has a network of anti-Israel American Jews carrying out his orders on the ground in Israel.

Why in God’s name would a Jew want to destroy Israel? We know the Islamist Barack Obama wants to destroy Israel. But Jews joining him?

Growing up I often heard my papa ask: will the Jews in the end destroy Israel? It looks that way, papa; we could again be slaves in another Babylon.